Pilgrimage from Home: Five Ways to Celebrate the Jubilee Year
Have you ever longed to walk the ancient paths of pilgrims, cross the threshold of a Holy Door, or stand in awe before the beauty of a sacred shrine? Pilgrimage has always been a profound expression of faith, a journey that mirrors our interior walk with Christ. Yet, not everyone can travel to far-off holy sites. The good news is, you don’t have to. This Jubilee Year, Jesus invites you to meet Him right where you are—in your home, in your heart, and in your daily life.
Whether you are a lifelong Catholic, a recent convert, or someone who has drifted from the Church, these simple ideas offer a way to deepen your faith and celebrate the Jubilee from home.
1. Create a Sacred Space

Transform a corner of your home into a sanctuary of prayer. Choose a small table or shelf and adorn it with sacred items that inspire devotion—a crucifix, a blessed candle, a Bible, or an image of a saint. If you can, print a picture of the Holy Door and place it there as a reminder of God’s open invitation to grace.
This sacred space becomes your personal “pilgrimage destination,” a tangible reminder that holiness is not confined to grand cathedrals or overseas trips. In your own home, you can kneel in prayer, light a candle for your intentions, or simply sit in silence with the Lord. Heaven and earth meet in the sacred space in your own home.
2. Virtually Visit Holy Sites
Technology offers us a window to the world, including the treasures of our faith. Many holy sites, such as Vatican City, Marian shrines, and historical cathedrals, now offer virtual tours and live streams. Dedicate time to “visit” these sacred places from the comfort of your home.
As you watch, take a moment to reflect on the beauty and universality of the Church. Consider the countless pilgrims who have walked before you, and unite your heart with theirs. Let the grandeur of these sites draw you deeper into the mystery of God’s love and the richness of our Catholic heritage.
3. Pray the Pilgrim’s Prayer
A pilgrimage is not just about the destination; it is about the transformation. Begin your spiritual journey with a Pilgrim’s Prayer, asking God to guide you closer to Him. Include intentions for renewal, forgiveness, and restoration in your life and the lives of those you love.
Here is a simple prayer to begin:
Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. As I embark on this spiritual pilgrimage, I seek Your presence and Your grace. Open my heart to Your will, renew my spirit, and lead me ever closer to You. May this journey bring me healing, forgiveness, and peace. Amen.
Pray this daily or whenever you feel called, trusting that each step you take toward Christ is a step toward home.
4. Engage in Acts of Mercy
Every pilgrimage calls us to conversion, to step beyond ourselves and reflect God’s mercy to others. This Jubilee, consider how you can live out the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Volunteer at a local shelter, reconcile with a loved one, or forgive someone who has hurt you.
Acts of mercy transform both the giver and the recipient. They remind us that our faith is not static but active, a living testimony to God’s love in the world. Choose one act of mercy this week, and let it be your offering of gratitude and humility during this holy season.
5. Complete a Jubilee Indulgence
The Church offers the beautiful gift of a plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year, a grace-filled opportunity to deepen your union with Christ and His Church. You can receive this indulgence from home by following these steps:
- Spend time in prayer, meditating on God’s mercy and love.
- Receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
- Pray for the Holy Father’s intentions.
This simple yet profound act of devotion connects you to the universal Church and renews your heart in God’s grace. Let it be a moment of profound thanksgiving and joy.
Have You Started Your Pilgrimage?
Have you created a sacred space, written a poem, or attended a holy site virtually? Tell us about it!
What will you do to participate in this year of Jubilee?
In this holy season, remember that you are not alone. We walk this path together as a family of faith, united in Christ. I pray this Jubilee Year draws us closer to Him and to one another, transforming our hearts and our homes into places of pilgrimage.
A Blessing and Invitation
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He look upon you with kindness and give you peace.
Jesus is waiting for you—not in some faraway place but right here, in this moment. Will you answer His call? Let’s make this Jubilee Year a time of renewal, courage, and communion, together.
In his love,
