Welcome to Kass Fogle, Inc.
Infusing Fiction with The Catholic Faith
I'm committed to making this space an offering to write, speak, and support great fiction from a Catholic worldview. I aim to encourage other Catholic fiction authors to write in more of our traditions of faith, embracing the sacraments, offering our sufferings, displaying the beauty of the Mass, and our veneration of Mary and the saints.
A Little About Me
Hi, I'm Kass Fogle.
I've been a lifelong Southern Baptist for as long as I could remember.
And then, I met a Catholic boy. 😇
Our wedding was a delightful blend of traditions. On my side, somber but celebratory relatives and friends, sipping the occasional glass of wine and periodically slow dancing. On his side, it was the polar opposite: loud with laughter, uncles falling out of chairs, and hearty disagreements over card games. (Yes, someone in his family always has a deck of cards!).
Fast forward twenty years, and our marriage was intertwined with more denominations than I have fingers on one hand. We had some wonderful experiences, but as services became more and more contemporary, the more questions I had. And questions were discouraged.
Then Covid-19 hit, and we were forced to shelter in place, leaving Sunday Services behind. This gave me an opportunity to research, pray, retreat (alone), and decide where I needed to take my faith.
I wasn't interested in attending a Ted Talk each week. I wanted to worship God. And everywhere I sought answers, especially to the question, "What church did Jesus start," the answer was always, "The Catholic Church." All the arguments against simply didn't stand up to scripture and tradition when I studied and prayed over it.
So, I attended a nearby Catholic Mass, and after a year and a half, I was confirmed in the faith.
As a writer, I searched high and low for Catholic representation in good Christian Fiction. It's 2024, and I'm just scratching the surface. My mission is to:
Infuse Faith into Fiction: I write Catholic values and traditions into engaging, relatable stories.
Support Fellow Authors: I will encourage and support other Catholic authors to highlight our shared faith in their works.
Build Community: I long for friendship. This will be a space where Catholic readers and writers can connect, share, and grow together.
As I continue to explore and share the richness of our faith through fiction, I'm excited to create, collaborate, and celebrate the beauty of our Catholic traditions. I hope you'll join me as we delve into stories that not only entertain but also deepen our understanding of faith. Together, let's build a vibrant community that uplifts and inspires.

Recent Blog Posts

What You'll Find...
A Little Bit of Jesus, and Little Bit of Trouble
I love Jesus. And I strive each day to do one thing better than I did the day before. And I pray for God's grace to walk, talk, work, and act like Jesus did. But I'm human. I sin. I make mistakes. I'm Gen X, an empty nester, and a procrastinator. But, I think for the most part, when we become friends, you'll find:
Books & Stories
Discover my latest works and explore fiction that brings Catholic traditions to life.
I'll post about where Ruth's Garden is in its publishing journey.
Community Connection
Join a community of readers and writers on my Facebook Page passionate about faith-based fiction
Resources for Catholic Writers
Tips, inspiration, and support for new Catholic fiction authors looking to get started.
Blog Posts
I love writing. I journal and take notes, and will nerd out about the science of handwriting. On occasions, I invite you to share in commenting your thoughts on faith-filled topics, especially as they relate to Catholic Traditions, Fiction, and the Feminine Genius.